Kids' Corner
Kids' Corner
The Duxbury Beach Preservation Society helps educate the public about the importance of caring for the beach. Programs are designed for adults as well as families with young children.
Educational Beach Booklets
For the kindergarten and second grade trips, the Duxbury Beach Preservation beach field Society has created age-appropriate booklets that reinforce the topics being studied. Each year the booklets have new covers chosen in our annual Beach Art contest.
Beach Booklet for Elementary School
Beach Discovery Cards
Project of the Month: Sand Footprint – this maps to our leave only footprints
Scavenger Hunt: Try to locate these items when you visit the beach (INSERT)
Tide Pooling – explore border zone between ocean and land to see what strange and fascinating creatures you find.
‘Beaches Around the World’: We will highlight a beach in a different part of the world every month. In December, check out Punaluu Black Sand Beach on the Hawaii Islands. Do some research and find out how it is different then our beach here in Duxbury!