Beach Status
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see the latest beach status information
from the
Duxbury Beach Operations Division.
Duxbury Beach Named One of 2022 Best Restored Beaches by ASPBA!
Large-scale Dune Restoration
During the winter of 2018-2019, the Duxbury Beach Reservation took on one of its largest dune restoration projects. The dune construction represented a third step in the process of project conception, design & permitting, and implementation. The construction work was performed by SumCo Eco-Contracting with oversight from DBR and the Woods Hole Group, who also designed the project. DBR received a $500,000 Coastal Resilience Grant through CZM to fund a portion of the $1.4 million restoration work. The project, which covered the dune structure between the first and second over-sand vehicle crossovers represents a portion of the resilience work needed to strengthen and preserve Duxbury Beach.
Click here to learn more about our dune restoration.