Frequently Asked Questions
Is the Reservation planning on closing driving on Duxbury Beach?
The rumor that Duxbury Beach Reservation is planning on closing the drive-on portion of the beach in the future is 100% false. The Reservation has expert staff that has gone to great lengths to provide, to the extent possible, driving and parking on the beach. The Reservation recognizes the importance of families enjoying all aspects of Duxbury Beach. (Answered September 1, 2022)
Why are the crossover closures longer than ever?
The crossover closures this year were longer than in previous seasons due to the following: at the beginning of the season the Town closed a crossover which allowed birds to nest without the usual vehicle disturbance that deters birds from nesting in areas, the Piping Plover population increased from 32 pairs in 2021 to 40 pairs in 2022 and lastly the Town made crossover closures based on Town personnel and budget constraints. (Answered September 1, 2022)
What is anticipated next year regarding closures?
Duxbury Beach Reservation will be meeting with the Town to discuss beach operation management approaches that will reduce crossover closures in future seasons while adhering to federal and state regulations. (Answered September 1, 2022)
Who determines when crossovers are closed and opened?
The Town is the ultimate decision maker in crossover access while keeping within federal and state regulations. The Town, in most instances, consults with DBR, regarding crossover access during listed species periods. (Answered September 1, 2022)
What would happen if the crossovers were opened while a listed species was in the crossover restricted area?
The Federal and State regulators have the authority to revoke Duxbury Beach Reservation's permit to allow recreational vehicles on Duxbury Beach. If the regulations are not followed, the permit would be revoked and roads and parking lots would be closed (with the exception of Gurnet/Saquish residents), Blakeman's would shut down and no traffic would be allowed over the Powder Point Bridge as the vehicle would be on Reservation property once it crossed the bridge. (Answered September 1, 2022)
Beach Management
Who determines how long the beach is opened for during the day?
The Town invites folks to recreate on the beach and sets all opening and closing times on the beach. (Answered September 1, 2022)
Why can’t the crossovers be opened when listed species are in the area?
When listed species are in restricted areas, we have no jurisdiction over access – it’s controlled by the state and federal regulators. (Answered September 1, 2022)
DBR Management
What is the principal mission of DBR?
To preserve Duxbury Beach to safeguard the adjacent bays and mainland, protect the wildlife and vegetation while welcoming the public to enjoy. (Answered September 5, 2022)
How is DBR governed?
Duxbury Beach Reservation has a 10-member board of directors, as well as, 18 trustees. In addition to the 2 full-time and 3 part-time staff that serve in an official capacity, we are proud of our hundreds of volunteers. The Mass Audubon plays no role in any decision-making at the Reservation, they provide the service of an educator during the summer months. (Answered September 5, 2022)
What is the background of the Executive Director?
Duxbury Beach Reservation’s Executive Director Cris Luttazi has a diversified background in finance and marine biology with positions held with Barclay’s Bank, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, and Mass Audubon. (Answered September 5, 2022)
What is the relationship between DBR and Mass Audubon?
Up until four years ago, Duxbury Beach Reservation hired Mass Audubon to manage the listed species program. Once professional management began at DBR, Mass Audubon was released from this service. DBR retains Mass Audubon to provide free public educational classes 3x/week in July and August. (Answered September 1, 2022)
Are there any directors on the board with Mass Audubon ties?
No Reservation board directors have ever worked for or served in any board or trustee capacity for Mass Audubon or the Audubon Society. (Answered September 1, 2022)
DBR and the Town of Duxbury
What is the relationship between the Town and Duxbury Beach Reservation?
The Town and the Reservation collaborate on numerous items, ultimately the Town manages the vehicles and pedestrians. (Answered September 5, 2022)
How are the responsibilities divided between the Town and Duxbury Beach Reservation’s role?
The Town leases a portion of the beach and then sells beach stickers and invites people to purchase them. As such, the Town Beach Operations manages the people and the vehicles and enforces the Duxbury Beach rules. Duxbury Beach Reservation's mission is to preserve the coastal landform, protect the ecology and provide access to resident status notwithstanding. (Answered September 5, 2022)
Do taxpayer dollars subsidize the lease of the Duxbury Beach Operation?
No, the revenue of the sales of beach stickers offsets any public expenditure and any profit goes to the town. (Answered September 5, 2022)
Who sets the prices of the beach stickers?
The Town sets the prices for beach stickers. (Answered September 5, 2022)
Duxbury Beach Reservation has provided the following Q and A. The Reservation welcomes questions and encourages folks to reach out directly to the Reservation via duxburybeachreservation.org, info@duxburybeachreservation.org, or on our Facebook page @DuxburyBeachReservation.